Week Six: Filming Tutorials and Finalizing Templates

 Week Six: Filming Tutorials and Finalizing Templates

Using the Scanners: The Filming Process

This week, I prepared and filmed videos for the brochure’s section on scanning. I struggled towards the beginning of the week trying to find someone to operate the scanner, but luckily I was able to meet with fellow intern Matthew Austin who was able to show and lead me through the process of scanning documents and how the software works. I had used it before, but not enough to actively give a tutorial. To give an example of something to scan, I brought with me my own personal artifacts; I brought a Yugoslavian passport and drivers license, two items I had procured during my time in Bosnia and Herzegovina last year. Matthew was able to scan my artifacts whilst I filmed him, leading me through the process and advising me in each step.   As I edit the videos together to create a streamline introduction, the process to will come clearer, even to myself. 
Filming for videos, Matthew Austin pictured.

Template for a Brochure: Condensing and Mapping

A side note I accomplished this week was a final plan and template for the brochure. UCF staff and I decided on a 12 page layout, leading to two pages per section. As the weeks come and the graphic design of the brochure is completed, I will be able to showcase more of the pages. 


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